Monday, June 27, 2016


How about a new thought on taking a "leap of faith"  FAITH, it is a word that gets thrown around a lot; but do we use our faith?  I have faith, in my beliefs, in Gods protection, even faith in myself (though I let myself down a lot).   Every time we face a problem it seems we are told "have faith"; and we should.  But, how do we use our faith?  Things unseen; I am on this journey, I don't know where it is taking me and simply that scares me.  See, things are not easy now and I am not sure they ever were; things are comfortable, routine, I know what to expect of my surroundings and while they are not easy they are constant.  This actually causes a hesitation of action, and while feeling a calling fear holds me... one might say I don't have the faith I claim to have? Not true, I have faith in God and in the calling, its a lack of faith in myself that causes the hesitation... Can I live up to the expectation i set for myself?  God knows what I can do, and well plain and simple He loves me more than I love myself.  He know I am capable of more than I believe I am; the same is true of you!  God knows the person He created, He know the training He has allowed each of us to endure, yep all the difficulties, failures and successes have been training us to be the people God always knew we could/would be.  Maybe just maybe it is time to leap and grab hold of who we are.  We know God won't let us down, and His plan for us is PERFECT!

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