Monday, June 27, 2016


How about a new thought on taking a "leap of faith"  FAITH, it is a word that gets thrown around a lot; but do we use our faith?  I have faith, in my beliefs, in Gods protection, even faith in myself (though I let myself down a lot).   Every time we face a problem it seems we are told "have faith"; and we should.  But, how do we use our faith?  Things unseen; I am on this journey, I don't know where it is taking me and simply that scares me.  See, things are not easy now and I am not sure they ever were; things are comfortable, routine, I know what to expect of my surroundings and while they are not easy they are constant.  This actually causes a hesitation of action, and while feeling a calling fear holds me... one might say I don't have the faith I claim to have? Not true, I have faith in God and in the calling, its a lack of faith in myself that causes the hesitation... Can I live up to the expectation i set for myself?  God knows what I can do, and well plain and simple He loves me more than I love myself.  He know I am capable of more than I believe I am; the same is true of you!  God knows the person He created, He know the training He has allowed each of us to endure, yep all the difficulties, failures and successes have been training us to be the people God always knew we could/would be.  Maybe just maybe it is time to leap and grab hold of who we are.  We know God won't let us down, and His plan for us is PERFECT!

Midnight thought?

If all the self-help worked would there be a market for it?  Im not saying there is not some good advice out there, there is.  But before buying in to some guru think, what is the best customer?  A returning customer.  Self-help, diets, short cuts; the truth, life is hard we all need to cope.  Take the good advice and don't define yourself by the improvements you or someone else feel you should make... define yourself with Gods loving eyes, sometimes the greatest gifts are in the ugliest of packages... Your you, I am me... we all have things to work on and work through; and just so you (and I) know THAT IS OKAY!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Your house? Your place of safety from the world... I am not talking about the four wall in which you live, but more your belief and the execution of those beliefs.  We all need to find that inner peace, the feeling of safety from the world around us.  What we need for that has always been there, though most of us have no clue what we are looking at or how to build our house with the tools God gave us. I have spent most of my life waiting for God to fix it, to make the wrongs right and the struggles blessings and for things to just be easier.  God gave me everything i need to build my house, and everything I need to fix my life; but I have to use the tools and put in the work.  I have a million and one excuses for every situation I have ever been in, what if I stop here and except Gods forgiveness for my past.  Now, leave my excuses behind and leap forward in faith building my house?  Seem scary?  Yes it does!  I am where I am and He is who He is, if I set my sight on Him and follow His instruction my house will be strong and will endure to the end.  If I stay who I was my sight will be set on failure and will lead to more failure.  But the choice is mine, as it is yours; we have the tools to build our houses, what we do with those tools is on us.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Clean the  temple!

What is cluttering the temple?  Everything, the distractions of life have us running and running and never getting anywhere.  Think about it; when you woke up this morning what was the first thought chain running through your head?  For me, it was kinda like this... Dog needs out, bathroom, coffee, Lyss, dishes, trash, Sai, whats for breakfast, did the bank fix error, Lly needs to get to work, aah Sai is sick, Hai needs to sleep, dog 1 in dog 2 out, dog fight, spilled coffee, im not really hungry... yah my temple needs to be cleaned.... we all know our first thoughts should be turned to God, but our temples are so cluttered that the moment passes by in a rush of obligation and responsibility.  So, this week I will try something new... I'll set the alarm a few mins early and turn my first thoughts to God, Ill make sure the dishes are done before bed, the trash is out and coffee is set up before bed.  I will clean my temple both spiritually and physically removing the distractions that keep me from feeling His full peace.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Ever think why in the heck do i even try? It has been one of those weeks... but there is a reason, because I deserve to be the best version of me I can be.  Yep, I am selfish, I deserve to be the best me!!!!  Others will benefit from this and others deserve it from me... but I have discovered enthusiasm, right or wrong, tends to fade when we think of things strictly in terms of others... see then we can negotiate ourselves out... they let me down, they weren't living up to their end of the deal... easy out... when we realize we personally deserve better the only out is to say we are not worth it.... I am worth it, you are worth it... WE ARE WORTH IT!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

CursedBlessed? YES!


We can blame Adam and Eve, but think for a second, would you have resisted the temptation?  If I look at my life, it speaks for itself, the answer would be NO.  I would love to say yes, but I don't resist temptations now.  We are cursed... from first breath.  We spend our lives searching for something, a feeling of acceptance, accomplishment, truth, and identity.  In our heart of hearts the longing we have is to feel BLESSED.  There is a reason and there is a way, it is up to us to find it.  I am not here to tell you I have a solution to all you feel, I don't.  I am here to travel the path with you... see I am on the same path of self-discovery, finding out my purpose and fulfilling it, becoming my inner-Christian and living BLESSED.

      Deuteronomy 28:15 "But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which I command thee this day, that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:"

This goes on into a list of grim outcomes and desperation, is that how you feel your life is going?  Sometime I do... but,

     Deuteronomy 29:29 "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of the law."
     Deuteronomy 30:2-3 "And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shall obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart and with all thy soul;"
          "Then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, wither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee:"

The truth of our curse is written, the truth of our purpose planned and the blessed feeling we long for within our grasp;  we each make a choice constantly to live in the curse or to follow unafraid to our blessing.  Take a step today toward your blessing, don't fear the loss of what is behind you, but be unafraid to open your heart to hear Gods truth... listen to that still small voice and let faith and hope overcome the world. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016


  • I have bad habits
  • I am not in optimal health
  • I stress over finances 
  • I don't feel like I am meeting my obligations
  • I neglect my relationships (even with God)
  • I am somewhat anti-social
  • I am still (at 40) trying to find me

  • I am changing my habits
  • I am working to achieve optimal health
  • I am improving my financial situation 
  • I am working on prioritizing my obligations
  • I am working on my relationships (even with God)
  • I am putting myself in social situations
  • I am still (at 40) trying to find me

     I am still finding me, it is good and bad, but it is true.  I am working and changing what I can; learning to accept what I can't.  I know my heart is nomadic, yet i feel very stuck.  And, I am content being stuck yet with each day  I find a stronger urge to break free.  I need to be me, I need to follow my path.  I am working on me, and I know the time is coming where I need the bad to be the overcame and the good to be the accomplished... The truth will always stand, for it is TRUTH!